There is More to the Story Beyond your wildest dreams!
Welcome to a new movement! A movement that is set out to properly educate the masses and link our vast online community of individuals in all walks of life to find out the truth behind "the vaccine agenda." Remember, we are all one big family on this earth, and, if we do not look out for one another then we are all in a world of trouble. If you think covid-19 is exactly what the mainstream media outlets and beaurocratic individuals have been purporting, then think again! There is more to the story than meets the eye, and until society largely as a whole awakens we are truly delving into an unstoppable downward spiral into an abyss of lies, deception, misperception, and a successful mission to brainwash the masses by the powers that be. Is that really what you want for our children as we lead them into the future? Please, open your minds, open your eyes, and open your critical thinking process! Now is the time to really examine and use your brain, and think to the fullest. Do your own research and become a master of researching how the world really works. Do you really believe that when you turn on the television, refer to your smart phone, or check out the usual landing sites on the world wide web that you are always being told the truth? We are living in a world where every corner you turn there is a fabrication of the truth and We The People of the United States, and of course this entire planet Earth deserve way more! Step into our world, a world that questions mainstream media, that questions what the suiters are telling us, a world where we will always find the truth. There is more to the story than what you think! Thank you for stopping by our website. Please spread the word! We guarantee it will be worth it in the end! Enough is Enough. People of America and all around the globe, please wake up and understand that this is in fact an Agenda. A global exercise that has so cleverly been executed by all that are involved. They know who they are, and you all deserve and need to know who they are as well. Thank you for stepping inside our movement! If you like what you see here, please spread this information every where possible, and, also feel free to reach out to us with any questions or provide us with any useful additional information as we are a growing movement and will be updating our site as we receive more applicable information in the future. All our best to you and your family's! Remember, the children are the future and if we continue to succomb to this agenda and any forth coming agenda's their future's will not be something they will enjoy! It is now up to us. We The People! Please spread the word and if you wish to wear our message with pride, click on our store button that will take you to a safe, secure and reputable site called Bonfire to purchase merchandise that will not only help fund our movement, but more importantly, will help spread the word around all communities of the world! Disclaimer: This site was not established to promote "vaccine hesitancy" or "anti-vaxxer's", this site is essentially gathering information from reliable resource's, putting the pieces of the puzzle together for those that are unable to make the piece's of this puzzle fit, and display it to the masses. This is an effort to squash the fear mongering instilled by our very own government at the federal level which unfortunately trickled down hard to many state levels as well, in turn tearing apart the very Freedom that the founders of our great Nation struggled so hard to obtain. And, now the plan is to take that Freedom back from these fear mongerer's. Of course, this site is not about making choice's for you and your families medical needs so do your own research, but please make sure what you are researching is really truthful information!
Why not get right to it! The video's below are some of the great people we support and hope more people begin to realize these are the people spreading the correct narrative and not the wrong narrative!! We need more people like this!

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Governor Ron Desantis denounces new CDC school guidelines! Ron sure knows how to govern a state and treat children how they should be treated! Wake up America and follow Ron down the righteous path! (Note: this is not a website that is funded or attached to any political party. We simply review information and if it relates to our thinking process, then we are interested in what these people have to say! Essentially, we are interested in finding and supporting the people or groups that are in this for the "true common good of the people" )

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We don't know about you, but we trust our instincts and vast research and have determined that this man Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. more than likely is speaking the truth and all that are pushing the wrong agenda are doing their best to silence him. We thought this video was worth sharing as we were intrigued that how Wion TV, an international news entity, being headquartered in India has any business attempting to discredit this great man above. what kind of credentials does this Wion TV have being launched on June 15, 2016? We are strong supporters of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as he is attempting to spread the correct narrative and help humanity rather than disgrace and completely ruin humanity. Thank you Robert! We support all that you do!

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We think this video speaks for itself. Jim Jordan is right on spot. Thank you Jim for your intelligent scrtuiny of Fauci! Fauci is the highest paid official in the United States goverment mind you...for what? Thank you Jim Jordan for standing up for We the People of the United States!