No Forced Vaccines was created as a movement, because it is your body, and it is your choice not theirs! Please Make this world a better place and spread the good word! Share this site with your family, your friends, your neighbor's. purchase one of our shirts to help spread the word and show the world that you are not on this planet to be bullied around by the elite on this earth that have a mass agenda that involves ruining our freedom and our children of the future's freedom! If you don't do it for yourself, step up to the plate and do something for the children! They will thank you for it, and you will feel good about it in the end!
Batman, is that Dr. Fauci on the phone?
Hold on a moment Robin, yes, it is the now infamous Dr. Fauci and I am attempting to reason with him, but he has most mainstream media outlets, and global government entities on his side and it is going to be very hard to penetrate his regime without the help of our friends and family starting to deflect their very agenda to inject and vaccinate the global population while walking away with more billions of dollars. Hey Dr. Fauci, we are here to stop you and your villainous foes. We will not rest until your devilish work goes away for good! Robin, to the Bat-mobile!