Have you heard of operation mockingbird?
If not, You must read on and enlighten yourself!
Just Because They are the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) does that mean they always tell the truth and do the right thing? Remember, even your own mom doesn't always tell the truth or do the right thing. Maybe that might get you thinking...
So, what was Operation Mockingbird? Or, what is the modern-day Operation Mockingbird as our very own government and global entities such as the U.N., the W.H.O., and the C.D.C. inflicts our society with misinformation through their vast outlets that really do not have our best interests in mind as you thought they did!
- Lies
- Deception
- Spreading False Information to the Masses
- The use of main stream media/news outlets to spread an agenda and brainwash society
The Story Behind Operation Mockingbird:
Operation Mockingbird was an alleged CIA project that recruited journalists to write fake stories promoting government ideas while dispelling communist ones.
It was an alleged large-scale project undertaken by the CIA beginning in the 1950's in which they recruited American journalists into a propaganda network. The recruited journalists were put on a payroll by the CIA and instructed to write fake stories that promoted the views of the intelligence agency. Student cultural organizations and magazines were allegedly funded as fronts for this operation.
We open your eyes to this story that took place decades ago as this type of devilish brainwashing and clever manipulation certainly has not gone away! With all of the modern day media and online mega-entitites it is so much easier today to push an agenda to the masses repeatedly in attempt to brain wash the masses and take away our very freedom's that we are entitled to as citizens of the United States of America. It certainly feels like they have just burned the constitution and have re-written a new one that only follows their mass agenda. We, at NoForcedVaccines.com wish that more people will realize sooner than later that there is a real problem here and until we all stop listening to these people the problem will still exist. It is time to start doing something about this devilish agenda! Don't Be Afraid to SPEAK UP!
The Eye of Providence, or the all-seeing eye of God, shown above has been taken by some to be evidence of a conspiracy involving the founders of the United States and the Illuminati.
So, what is a Conspiracy Theory any way? We'd like to put to rest the non-factual based argument that a Conspiracy Theory, or a Conspiracy Theorist is attempting to push an explanation for an event or situation that is askew or untrue or not fact based. Let's just plain and simple call this reverse psychology. You all know what that is right? Seriously, you can go right to Wikipedia that should in many people's views contain fact-based information, and yet, there is already something written in there under the term Conspiracy Theory that suggests QAnon and denialism about the 2020 United States Presidential Election results led to the 2021 storming of the United States Capitol. Now, we are not pleading to be Democratic nor Republican on this topic of disucssion. We would simply call it such a current event that this "storming of the capital" has not all been properly digested and sorted out to date to give it any kind of "Conspiracy Theory" label. End of story. Therefore, the debate in our mind will continue, that reverse psychology plays a huge role in the term "Conspiracy Theory" as it is entirely possible, and, quite probable, that the person throwing out the Cospiracy Theory jab at whomever is simply attempting to smear the truth and hide the facts. You all may have seen the Mel Gibson & Julia Roberts movie called Conspiracy Theory, right? If not, you must watch it A.S.A.P! Note only is it a good film, it has some elements that really make you think about things you wouldn't normally look further into.
- Wake Up
- Seek The Truth Always
- Stop buying into the mass agenda we have before us
- They are all lying to us to create a society that is not free